Dr Michell Ruiz

Dr Michell Ruiz
Cirugía de hombro y del Manguito rotador

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

Acromial Stress Fractures: Correlation With Acromioclavicular Osteoarthritis and Acromiohumeral Distance —

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:


acromiohumeral distance
Orthopedics — December 2014
Acromial Stress Fractures: Correlation With Acromioclavicular Osteoarthritis and Acromiohumeral Distance — by Samuel Dubrow, MD; et al
Fractures around the acromion are a known complication of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. The goal of this study was to report clinical outcomes in patients with acromial fractures after nonoperatively treated reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Read more

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